.:Notizie giuridiche
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Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Presenting me

Hello all!
My name is Rafael and I'm from Brazil.
I am doing Industrial Design on PUC, Pontifical Catholic University or, in portugues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica (and is valid to say that it's considered the best brazilian design course) and I love to studing there and that profession.

In my University I knew that the italian design is the best around the world (and England has the best graph design); but sure, this is not a rule... the world is full of good works!
So I started up to search things about Italy, it's language and italian courses, and I've began to like that place and idiom too much!
I think that English I already know enough, than now I wanna learn Italian!

I don't want to spend my money with something that I can learn alone... if I decide to spend, I'll do with some course of my area.
So I'm here to help my self and also everybody who want to learn italian and/or have the same interests than me.

Here I'll post everthing I learn, books' except, exercises, learning methods what are useful for me, interesting links, etc...
I wanna be useful for the people, but I don't know Italian; so, while I will learning I will posting the learned stuffs here, to share it with everybody!
Why will I hide everything in a self notebook??

And from this idea comes the name of my page: Webook it!
Web Book (writen together, became Webook) with the "it", of Italy or Italian, in the end to make seem like a verb, for sound like a verb. And "Annotazioni di Italiano" means "Italian Annotations".

And just a last pointing:
-I'll start writing in english; first because it's a universal language but also 'cause I still don't know italian enough (even my english isn't fluent, so if you note some error, please correct me! and the same works for the italian, if I pass some wrong information and you know the right one, correct me);
-After, when i get a deeper knowledge into the italian idiom, I'll write just in italian, becaus I think it's better for learning.
-And for the last: you don't need to care about things like "he don't know italian, what can he help into the subject?". Well, the answer is: "Nothing!". I really don't know, and I am not a teacher... But my objective here is share what I am learning in the moment, for who wants, follow me. I won't write from my head only, but I'll pass what I read on that day, what i learned and, therefore, I know.

Thank You for visiting my Blog!

Enjoy, and good study!

1 comment:

  1. Nice initiative! very nice web site for who are learning Italian as second language. A lounge where you can share your ideas and the things you know with others!

    very cool!


Orario di Roma